Progress Report: Lakshadweep Islands

Administration type:Union Territory
Population:64,473 (According to 2011 Population Census)
Members of Parliament / Constituencies:1
Legislative Assembly:No
No. Of Members of Legislative Assembly:_
RTI Web Portal:No
Action taken:2 Letters seeking resolution (with Supreme Court Order) has been sent Via e-mail.
Action Taken Date:23.04.2024 (first letter) 23.05.2024 (second letter)
Letter Sent To:Director, Department of Information Technology, Lakshadweep Administration.
Administration Response:None
CommentsIn the Absence of an RTI Portal, The Applicant has one of 2 options: File an RTI in person, or by Post.

Both of them have a very immediate and consequential Impact on the process: the Public Authority assigns no Registration Number.

The date of registration of the application and registration number must be conveyed to the applicant. This ensures that the Application has been received, and will be acted upon.

Along with that, the time consumed in commuting, locating the address of the relevant officer and arranging payment resources in filing in person or over the post is an entirely avoidable exercise.

Failure of goal due to bureaucracy is not always because of one big reason, but 1000 small reasons. This is why it’s important to implement solutions that provide acessibility when those solutions are matters of statutory rights.